Sub Rosa Recap: München
We had invited some of München’s finest street racers, together with our local partner and retailer, Keller Sports, for another Sub Rosa session. As is the concept, the runners weren’t given any other information than the whereabouts of the first checkpoint and that they’d eventually have to return to checkpoint 0 (Keller Sports).
No Guarantees GivenOff they went. In a blistering pace towards the first checkpoint. Completely unaware of what awaited them throughout the city of München. 33 runners took on the challenge, but only 31 completed all checkpoints and finished the race.
But that’s the name of the game. Sub Rosa is about street savvy and local city knowledge. Speed will of course help you too, although, ultimately the winners are usually the ones who know their way around the neighbourhoods. Some of the runners completed the course with less than 9k covered, whereas others were just shy of the 11k mark (Google Maps said 9,3k).
Explore the race scenes and list of results further down. All the pictures are available from our Facebook page.
The two winners were:
- Jessica Lewerenz (37.38)
- Luis Stadler (32.45)
We’re traveling to Kyoto next week to launch our first ever event on Japanese soil and we’re mighty excited to team up with the SAYSKY Japan crew, who’s hosting. Follow our trip on the SAYSKY Instagram as we take on Sub Rosa and try to keep up with the locals.
- Domi Magotsch (34.41)
- Markus Biegel (34.50)
- Max Hoffmann (32.55)
- David Krewalder (34.50)
- Jessica Lewerenz (Female winner - 37.38)
- David Lemmer (36.58)
- Timo Kantereit (34.37)
- Oliver Kühnle (53.38)
- Liliana Hübner (1.14.24)
- Frederik Spiegelhalder (57.11)
- Hannah Escobar (50.12)
- Teresa (59.20)
- Frederik Zeller (34.39)
- Alex Mirsky (50.12)
- Dario Manns (37.22)
- Benjamin Kinsky (40.09)
- Christian Koehr (34.50)
- Florian Junk (40.09)
- Julian Ost (37.02)
- Jonas Truetsch (51.41)
- Maik Kubbilun (38.53)
- Tom Hausmann (44.03)
- Ruben Pabello (37.31)
- Jan Köstlin (35.00)
- Luis Stadler (Male winner - 32.45)
- Lars Kopp (35.43)
- Tina Ogriseg (43.46)
- Astrid Slavic (57.50)
- Conny Maibohm-Neher (58.00)
- Busiswe Klimt (40.20)
- laura Jiménez (48.28)