IRONMAN Kona: Emotions and Feelings
Ever since the beginning of Saysky in 2013, athletes have been representing the magic star at the Ironman World Championships. This year was no exception, although still somewhat of a special occasion. It was the first year that athletes outside of Denmark chose Saysky to take them comfortably, in style and very fast through their prime event of the year.
Last year I was fortunate enough to compete myself, but this year I went as a spectator and fan of the sport. I went there to support and cheer for the athletes trusting and representing Saysky. But I also went there to meet new people and to embrace the atmosphere around the event. As a very passionate triathlete, Hawaii is the place to be.
Nothing gives me more joy than when I see athletes wearing Saysky high-fiving and supporting each other. To me, Saysky is more than just creating cool high performance sportswear. It is about feelings and emotions, a view on life, people, nature and the interactions in between.
Ironman Kona was no exception. I witnessed world class AG’s, who were chasing podium places, all the while fighting strong winds and unbelievable heat, yet still having the energy to care about each other. These will be pure energy memories for the dark winter months to come.
I am already looking forward to next year, where I am sure that Saysky will have even more representatives at Kona. We are already now planning how to make the Ironman Kona participation even more special for the athletes racing and embracing Saysky.
Jane Fardell – Australia: First Saysky Female – 3rd place AG35-39 // 44th overall incl. pros // 10h12min
Jane Fardell made a comeback to triathlon this year after running fast miles (2h37min marathon PB). She qualified through Ironman Mont Tremblant with a 2nd place in her AG, but 8th place overall (incl. pros) using the Phantom Aerosuit.
When I first saw Jane in Kona she was working at the ON Running Expo stand, which says a lot about her relaxed Aussie attitude and why she fits Saysky so well. Although working, she didn’t use up all her energy, because she put in a solid race performance earning her 3rd place in her AG and 44th place overall including pros.
Frederik Mejlby – Denmark: First Saysky Male – 7th place AG30-34 // 55th overall incl. pros // 9h09min
Frederic has been wearing Saysky ever since I made the first kit in the summer of 2013. Frederic is one of those guys who can spend 5-6h on his hometrainer and of course this effort gets rewarded. He is never first out of the water, but on he bike he will crush it and finish off with a 3h marathon.
This year was his 4th Kona race, but the first race where he entered in perfect condition. He finished in an impressive 9h09m, earning him a 16th place AG overall.